Thursday, 18 September 2014

5 Things I CAN NOT Handle!

Everyone has something in life that they can't handle, find really annoying or just don't like. Whether that being the constant partying next door or looking at someone else's toes! Whatever grosses you out, tell me in the comments. Today, lets chat about the 5 things I can't stand.

So, without further a do....

1. When you buy a choc chip muffin and there is only one choc chip! Oh my, this frustrates me so much! Whether you buy it from a store or bake it from scratch, it always frustrates me; and it always seems to be me who gets the unlucky one. You know that you tipped the entire bag of choc chips into the batter, yet when scooping the batter into pans, that one muffin decides to be a pain. First world problems....

2. Birds. Is there anything else I need to say. I am sorry if you are a bird lover, but every experience I have had with birds was not pleasant. Worst ones are Magpies. They swoop and you know they are coming cause you put you see a shadow, you put hands over your head and peer from underneath your hands which act as a crappy barrier. But does that stop it... NO. They swoop again and again, as if the first time didn't scare me enough!

3. Those people that ask you for a hair tie. We all know that if you give someone your hair tie, you will never get it back. I understand if you were doing your hair and the tie snapped, I'll lend one then, but those girls that constantly snap it or just want a massive stash of secret hair ties, Na Uh, you ain't gonna get one of my hair ties, cause I know that I will never get it back.

4. When your hair is freshly shampooed and conditioned, and it will not cooperate. Story of my life (insert one direction song). I hate it, when you get out of the shower, let your hair air dry, go to bed, wake up, attempt to do your hair for school and..... your hair won't stay, won't hold, bits will be flying every where, one piece, and I'm meaning one piece, comes out of the hair style and you have to start all over again! And you want to add the gel or hairspray, but if you are anything like me, I want to reduce the amount of times I have to wash my hair during the week, so I really don't want to be adding in more junk that I will have to wash out in 8 hours time anyway.

5. When the computer freezes. Is it just me, or do I have the most crappiest computer in the world? So I've been working on an assignment all day, saved it every hour or whenever I remember, and I am almost done or have written this important part or have just have written something that is pure genius, and my computer decides to just give up and go into melt down. I find it so frustrating, especially when you don't know what is going on and you are doing everything you possibly can for the computer to work again and regain those hopefully not lost files.

So yeah, that's my rant. If you can relate, we are one of the same kind. Anyways, that's it for now.


C xx